Mission Statement:
The Center of Excellence for Chagas Disease (CECD) at the Olive View-UCLA Medical Center will provide care for Chagas disease and supports the principle that healthcare is a human right. The CECD will lead efforts to expand screening and treatment of this neglected disease in the United States.
A hidden disease…
Chagas disease is a parasitic infection caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. It is spread mainly by blood-sucking insects known as kissing bugs. Not everyone gets symptoms, but 30-40% of people infected with the parasite eventually develop heart disease or other serious complications. This happens 20-30 years after they were initially infected. Most people are unaware they have Chagas disease; less than 1% have been diagnosed.
To learn more about Chagas disease, click the links below.
Chagas Disease at a Glance
People Infected Worldwide
People Infected in the US
Deaths Per Year
Countries Affected
Request Information
If you suspect you have Chagas disease or have been diagnosed with Chagas, please contact:
For Los Angeles County Residents, the Center of Excellence for Chagas Disease (CECD) at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center (14445 Olive View Drive, Room 2C121 Sylmar, CA 91342; 747-210-4287)
For those who live outside of Los Angeles, please visit the clinical consultant page of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene for physicians in your region.
Get Involved today
We need the help of healthcare professionals to test and treat people with Chagas. If you are interested in Volunteering, contact us today.

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